You've probably heard that everyone should learn to code at some point. Let's get this ball rolling! But why should you learn to code if you're a writer, marketer, finance expert, or organizational worker?
I'm here to tell you that even a basic understanding of HTML/CSS may make a significant difference in your professional life. Learning tech isn't just for production assistants and graphic designers; whether you're a small business owner, a sales manager, an event organizer, or even a wizard, knowing HTML/CSS may help you.
Does it seem too good to be true? It isn't, as I'll show you with eight examples.
But first, let's go over the definitions of HTML/CSS. The short version is that HTML/CSS are the web's foundations. HTML stands for "HyperText Markup Language," and it's the language that tells your browser what each section of a webpage is. As a result, you may use HTML to specify headings, sections, links, images, and other elements so that your browser knows how to structure the web page you're viewing.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the language that determines the appearance and structure of certain web pages. In other words, CSS is what allows you to create attractive websites with fancy fonts, vibrant colors, stunning backgrounds, and even smooth animations and 3D effects.
With your HTML/CSS knowledge, you'll be able to achieve the following eight things:
- Create a fantastic email for your customers.
- Design an eye-catching corporate newsletter
- Make changes to your company's WordPress blog
- Convince your technical team that you're the best.
- Showcase Your Talents With a Tumblr Blog That Is Perfectly Tuned
- Create a Professional Resume Website from the Ground Up!
- Take your design skills to the next level with these eight tips.
- Begin to learn more—and earn more!