Your Success
That's Our Business
Zero Tolence

Zero Tolence

This policy outlines the company’s stance on unacceptable behaviors that threaten the integrity, safety, and success of our organization. The aim is to maintain a professional and respectful work environment.

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, consultants, and any personnel working on behalf of the company.

The company maintains a Zero Tolerance Policy towards actions that are harmful to the workplace, including but not limited to:

- Misbehavior towards colleagues, clients, or stakeholders.
- Cheating in any form, including falsifying records or providing false information.
- Theft or unauthorized possession of company property or the property of others.
- Revealing confidential information, trade secrets, or any sensitive data.
- Any form of harassment, discrimination, or bullying.
- Substance abuse, including alcohol or illegal drugs, during work hours or on company premises.
- Unauthorized access to or misuse of company systems, data, or resources.
- Physical or verbal threats, violence, or intimidation.
- Gross negligence that results in harm to the company, its reputation, or its assets.

- Misbehavior: Any conduct that is disrespectful, abusive, or inappropriate in a professional setting.
- Cheating: Engaging in dishonest actions or deception for personal or professional gain.
- Theft: Unauthorized taking of company or personal property.
- Confidential Information: Any non-public information that belongs to the company, including intellectual property, trade secrets, business strategies, or employee personal data.

Reporting and Investigation
- Employees are encouraged to report any violations of this policy immediately to their manager, HR, or through the company’s anonymous reporting system.
- All reports will be investigated promptly, fairly, and confidentially.
- Employees found to be making false accusations will also face disciplinary action.

Consequences of Policy Violations
Any violation of this Zero Tolerance Policy will result in immediate disciplinary action, which may include:

- Verbal or written warnings
- Suspension without pay
- Termination of employment
- Legal action, if applicable

No Retaliation
The company prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports a violation of this policy in good faith or participates in an investigation.

Employee Responsibility
All employees are responsible for understanding and adhering to this policy. Managers and supervisors are responsible for enforcing this policy and ensuring that their teams comply.

Amendments and Review
This policy will be reviewed regularly and updated as needed. Any changes will be communicated to all employees.
