In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying ahead in the realm of IT solutions demands innovation, efficiency, and adaptability. One such revolutionary tool that has been making waves in the development community is Flutter. As an IT-based company committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions, embracing Flutter opens doors to a myriad of possibilities.
What is Flutter?
In general, creating a mobile application is a very complex and challenging task. There are many frameworks available, which provide excellent features to develop mobile applications. For developing mobile apps, Android provides a native framework based on Java and Kotlin language, while iOS provides a framework based on Objective-C/Swift language. Thus, we need two different languages and frameworks to develop applications for both OS. Today, to overcome form this complexity, there are several frameworks have introduced that support both OS along with desktop apps. These types of the framework are known as cross-platform development tools.
Is Flutter Frontend Or Backend?
Flutter is a framework that can be used for both frontend and backend development. However, most Flutter developers use it for the former. This is because Flutter makes it easy to create beautiful, interactive user interfaces. Since there are many great BaaS (backend-as-a-service) solutions that cooperate with Flutter, building the backend from scratch makes sense only in particular cases. For example, if the project has many custom features, a BaaS might not cover them all. But for most projects, the Firebase backend will be more than enough. Firebase is also a Google solution, so it complements Flutter well.
Why use Flutter over native Java development?
Flutter has some unique features compared to native Java and other SDK such as:
- Fast Development: Flutter makes use of customizable Widgets that can be nested together to create the app interface, similar to how HTML is structured. One can refer to this for details: Flutter for Web Devs.
- Hot Reload: Instantly see changes made in code, without recompiling.
- It’s Native in the end: Under the hood, the codebase is compiled into Java, ensuring the same performance as that offered by native apps.
- Light on system resources: Flutter can be comfortably run on a lower resources system.